Monday, July 14, 2014

Trevor makes a remix

Well, Trevor makes something.  He has created his own music on Ableton.  He has also done mashups and just DJ'd where he blends the music together as it changes.  He calls them all different things and me, being a totally uncool mom, never gets it exactly right, what he is doing.  So here is Trevor doing something on his DJ gear.   I won't be sharing any music he creates here because he's too self conscious and sees too many mistakes in it.  He found numerous mistakes in this video.  I only hear the one hiccup he does, though.  ;)

I love Cleo barking and squeaking her toy in the background.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. I don't know exactly what he is doing but the music sounds good and he certainly looks like he knows what he is doing, Good going Trevor!
