Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mixing music

Trevor has been working on a mix that I requested he give to his DJ instructor for constructive feedback.  He is SUPER nervous about this so has been working nonstop on it.

I think his mix sounds awesome.  If he posts it somewhere, I will share a link here.  He is scared of negative feedback on Youtube or Soundcloud and so he won't post it yet.  This is why he is giving it to his teacher so he can get actual real feedback on it.  Apparently, mom thinking his mix sounds awesome as she dances around his room is not proof that it's good; it's just embarrassing.  lol. 

We are also in the midst of the "Great Bedroom changeover" and Trevor has acquired our master bedroom.  More room for DJ equipment and his own bathroom!  Ray and I hated the master bedroom and have moved downstairs where we can have a larger bathroom.  The girls are each getting their own room.  

1 comment:

  1. I think that was a great move!! I'm sure the girls will love having their own room now!! Your bedroom is a great room for Trevor, too! Lots of space for all that equipment and I'm sure still room to spare!! Love the pics of Trev doing "his thing" he does so well....I know I would love the mix, as for the dancing part...I'm sure he would have a great laugh at me doing that!! :)
